

diese Seite hilft dir deine Optionen für deine Mailingliste zu finden.

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Eigenschaften deiner Mailingliste

Um welche Mailingliste geht es? Oder, wie soll sie heißen? Nur den Teil vor dem Domainnamen.

Um welchen Domainnamen geht es?

Nachrichten archivieren?
-a (Default.) Archived and configured with ezmlm-get(1) for archive access. ezmlm-make will touch dir/archived and dir/indexed so that ezmlm-send(1) will archive new messages. -A Not archived.

Archivzugang blockieren (Nur Moderatorinnen kommen dran)?
Archivzugang erleichtert das Einarbeiten und erhöht die Nachvollziehbarkeit und Transparenz. -b Block archive. Only moderators are allowed to access the archive. -B (Default.) Archive access is open to anyone or subscribers only, depending on the -g switch.

-c Config. Use .ezmlmrc (see CONFIGURATION) from the directory where dot resides. ezmlm-make otherwise uses the system wide ezmlmrc file (normally /etc/ezmlm/default/ezmlmrc). The -c switch may cause you to execute ezmlm-make based on a configuration file controlled by another user. ezmlm-make does not allow periods in any tag to restrict all actions to within dir. Be careful with this option setting up lists for other users, especially when running ezmlm-make as root. -C arg: Like-c, but use file arg as the ezmlmrc file. Use -C '' to override a default when using -+ or -e. If the given path is a directory instead of a file, the actual ezmlmrc file is taken as arg/ezmlmrc, and the other ezmlm-idx programs will use the directory to look up files (such as text files) that are not present in the list directory.

Automatische Sammlungen erstellen?
Digest. ezmlm-make will set up the local-digest@host digest list to disseminate digest of the list messages. By default, this is done when 30 messages, 48 hours, or 64 kbytes of message body text have accumulated since the last digest. Edit the dir/digcount, dir/digsize, or dir/digtime files to override these defaults. See ezmlm-tstdig(1) and ezmlm-get(1) for more info. -D: (Default.) No digest. Do not set up the digest list.

Edit. ezmlm-make will remove links before creating them and accept if directories to be created are already present. will also (via entries in ezmlmrc) remove flags that are present but not desired for the current list. Thus, this option can be used to reconfigure existing lists without affecting moderator and subscriber lists or message archive. All desired ezmlm-make switches need to be specified. To make all switches sticky, i.e. only specify the ones changed from the previous setup, use -+. Command line arguments other than dir can be omitted. In the unlikely case where dot is changed, you must manually remove the old links. Mail can arrive at any time! For safe editing, turn on the sticky bit of the home directory before using the edit function, then turn it off again (see dot-qmail(5)). ezmlmrc(5) is set up so that most text files (and DIR/headeradd, DIR/headerkeep, and DIR/headerremove) are not overwritten if they already exist so as to preserve manual customizations. If local is specified ezmlm-make overrides this behavior and all files are rewritten. You can also force ezmlm-make to rewrite all files by using -ee. -E: (Default.) No edit. ezmlm-make will abort if directories or links to be created already exist. This prevents accidental reconfiguration of a pre-existing list, since the first action is to create the list directory.

Name der Mailingliste als Prefix in die Betreffzeile schreiben?
Bei Prefixen in der Betreffzeile erhält man direkt mehr Kontext. Prefix. ezmlm-make will set up the list so that the outgoing subject will be prefixed with the list name. -F (Default.) No prefix.

Archivzugang nur für Mitgliederinnen der Mailingliste?
Anmerkung: Wenn du oben das Archiv für die ganze Welt offen gelassen hast, kannst du hier noch erwägen, ob der Zugriff auf das Archiv nur für Menschen von der Liste gelten soll. Guard archive. Archive access requests from unrecognized SENDERs will be rejected. This restriction is safe, since replies are sent to the SENDER address. -G (Default.) Do not guard archive. Archive access request from any SENDER will be serviced.

Darf jede jede in die Mailingliste setzen?
Help subscription. Subscriptions do not require confirmation. Strongly recommended against, since anyone can subscribe any address, but may be useful for some subscription moderated lists. -H (Default.) Subscription requires confirmation by reply to a message sent to the subscription address.

Soll ein Index für das Archiv geführt werden um es über das WWW zu erreichen?
Wenn irgendwann ein WWW-Zugriff steht, wäre ein Index ganz schön. -i Indexed for WWW archive access. ezmlm-make will create the list so that ezmlm-archive(1) is invoked to maintain an index suitable for use by ezmlm-cgi(1). -I (Default.) The list is created without ezmlm-archive(1).

Kann man sich ohne weitere Bestätigung austragen?
Jump off. Unsubscribe does not require confirmation. Strongly recommended against, since anyone can unsubscribe any address, but may be useful in some situations. -J (Default.) Unsubscribe requires confirmation by a reply to a message sent to the subscription address.

-k -K Ignored for backwards compatibility. The dir/deny/ subscribers directory is always created to allow denying messages from selected addresses. This is useful in combination with the -u switch to temporarily restrain offenders, such as misconfigured auto-responders or automatic spammers. It can also be used in combination with -m to filter out SENDERs from whom the moderators do not want to see posts (again, bad re-mailers and spammers come to mind). To add/remove blacklisted addresses: ezmlm-sub dir deny bad@host / ezmlm-unsub dir deny bad@host

Dürfen Moderatorinnen die Mitgliederliste einsehen?
Mindestens die Moderatorinnen sollten die Liste einsehen dürfen. -l ezmlm-make sets up the list so that remote administrators can request a subscriber list, and search the subscriber log. -L (Default.) The subscriber list cannot be obtained.

Nachrichten, bevor sie auf die Liste gelangen, von einer Moderatorin moderierien?
-m Message moderation. (Please note that the -u switch modifies the action of this switch.) ezmlm-make will touch dir/modpost and create dir/mod/ and dir/mod/subscribers/, where the moderator addresses are stored. ezmlm-make also creates dir/mod/pending/, dir/mod/accepted/, and dir/mod/rejected/. These directories are used to queue messages awaiting moderation. dir/editor will be set up to run ezmlm-store(1) to store incoming messages in the moderation queue and send moderation requests to the moderators. dir/moderator will be set up to run ezmlm-moderate to process moderator accept or reject requests. To add/remove moderators: ezmlm-sub dir mod moderator@host / ezmlm-unsub dir mod moderator@host. -M (Default.) Message posting is not moderated.

Dürfen Moderatoren Textdateien ändern?
-n New text file. ezmlm-make sets up the list to allow remote administrators to edit files in dir/text/. -N (Default.) Not new text file. Text file editing not allowed.

Nur Moderatoren dürfen auf die Liste schreiben?
-o Others rejected. Posts from addresses other than moderators are rejected. This is applicable to message moderated lists only (see -m). The switch has no effect on other lists. -O (Default.) Others not rejected. For moderated lists, all posts are forwarded to the moderators. The switch has effects only on message moderated lists.

Rudimentäre Selbstverwaltung durch die Benutzerin möglich?
p (Default.) Public. ezmlm-make will touch dir/public, so that ezmlm-manage(1) will respond to administrative requests and ezmlm-get will allow archive retrieval. -P Private.ezmlm-manage(1) andezmlm-get(1) will allow only digest creation, remote administration, and archive retrieval by remote administrators, (if the list is configured with these options).

-q -Q Ignored for backwards compatibility. The request address is always serviced. Commands sent in the subject to local-request@host are processed by ezmlm-request(1).

Moderatorinnen können per E-Mail-Kommandos moderieren?
Mit dieser Option kann sich die Mailingliste besser selber verwalten ohne den Mailinglistenmoderatoren bemühen zu müssen. -r Remote admin. ezmlm-make enables remote administration by touching dir/remote. Moderator(s) can unsubscribe and subscribe any address. See the -m option on how moderator addresses are stored and manipulated. -R (Default.) No remote administration.

Muss das Beitreten in die Liste von einer Moderatorin geprüft werden?
-s Subscription moderation. ezmlm-make enables subscription moderation by touching dir/modsub. This affects subscriptions for both the main list and the digest list. See the -m option on how moderator addresses are stored and manipulated. -S (Default.) Subscriptions are not moderated.

Einen Fußtext den Nachrichten anfügen?
Ein Fußtext ergibt Sinn. Wir wollen in der Fußzeile zum Wikiartikel über Mailinglisten verlinken. Wenn du mehr Text haben willst, musst du ihn uns natürlich schicken. -t Trailer. ezmlm-make will create dir/text/trailer to set up the list to add a trailer to outgoing messages. -T No trailer. (Default.)

Dürfen nur Mitglieder und Moderatorinen auf die Liste posten?
-u User posts only. ezmlm-make sets up the list so that posts and archive access is restricted to subscribers. These are addresses subscribed to the main list, the digest, or added manually to the address database in dir/allow/ which accommodates addresses from e.g. subscribers working from an address other than their subscriber address. Posts from unrecognized SENDER addresses will be rejected. This is relatively easily defeated for posts. More secure alternatives are message moderated lists configured with the ezmlm-make -m switch (without the -u switch). There is no reason to combine of SENDER checks on posts with message moderation. Therefore, the combination of the -u switch with the -m switch is used for a configuration with SENDER restrictions (like with -u alone), with the difference that posts from non-subscribers will be sent for moderation instead of being rejected. Wenn du -m und -u aktivierst, dann werden alle internen Nachrichten gepostet und externe Nachrichten moderiert. This allows the list admin to let non-subscribers post occasionally, as well as to catch subscribers posting from non-subscriber addresses. -U (Default.) Do not restrict posts based on SENDER address.

-v Display ezmlm-make version information. -V Display ezmlm-make version information.

-w Remove the ezmlm-warn(1) invocations from the list setup. It is assumed that ezmlm-warn(1) for both local@host and local-digest@host will be run by other means, such as crond. As the main list will have only sublists as subscribers, it is desirable to log bounces and feedback messages rather than to remove a bouncing subscriber. -W (Default.) No address restriction. Normal use of ezmlm-warn(1) and ezmlm-return(1).

Anhänge entfernen?
-x eXtra. ezmlm-make will configure the list with a few extras: dir/mimeremove will be configured to strip annoying mime parts such as excel spreadsheets, rtf text, html text etc from the messages. Messages consisting solely of this Content-type will be rejected. See ezmlm-send(1) and ezmlm-reject(1) for more info.

Muss die Senderin ihre Posts jedes Mal bestätigen?
-y sender confirmation. ezmlm-make will configure the list so posting requires sender confirmation. -Y (Default.) No sender confirmation is required.

-0 mainlist@hostMake the list a sublist of list mainlist@host.

In den Nachrichten "Von" ersetzen? mit

Hier geht es vornehmlich um Senderanonymität. -3 fromarg ezmlm-makesets up the list to replace the ``From:'' header of the message with ``From: fromarg''.

E-Mails nur an die Besitzerin der Maillingliste schicken?
-5 owner@host ezmlm-make will configure the list to forward mail directed to the list owner to owner@host.

-6 plugin:host:port:user:password:datab:table Subscriber database info. Use the database plugin named plugin which connects to host (default localhost), on port number port (default port for SQL server) as user with password using database datab (default "ezmlm") and the table root name table (default "ezmlm")

-7 /msg_mod_pathMake /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation. /msg_mod_path must be an absolute pathname, starting with a slash. If not, it will be ignored.

-8 /sub_mod_path Make /sub_mod_path the path to the database for subscription moderators, if the list is set up for subscription moderation. /sub_mod_path must be an absolute pathname, starting with a slash. If not, it will be ignored.

-9 /rem_adm_path Make /path the path to the database for remote administrators, if the list is set up for remote administration. /rem_adm_path must be an absolute pathname, starting with a slash. If not, it will be ignored.  

Wie lauten die E-Mailadressen der Moderatoren (Mindestens eine Adresse. Komma-getrennt)?

Beschreibung, was die Zeilen bedeuten:

  1. Erstellen der Mailingliste im Ordner ~/Mailinglist.
  2. Deine geklickten Optionen auf die Mailingliste anwenden.
  3. Die Moderatoren zur Liste der Moderatoren hinzufügen.
  4. Deine Moderatoren zur Mailingliste selber hinzufügen.